Thursday, January 21, 2010

Crazy Crap Item #249: The part where Jack has grand plans and projects

Today, Ann and I went to lunch, and she informed me that Jack had recently announced, "There have been a lot of interesting things going on in my life lately."

Ann asked for more info, and was told about:

Item 1: The Great Grammar School Graffiti Mystery
Apparently, some unidentified person had scrawled on a desk the message "I like Jack." The owner of the desk is currently out of the country, so she has been ruled out as a suspect. Since then, other scribbled messages have appeared, but their author is still unknown. Jack and his classmate/neighbor Emmett are on the job; the investigation is ongoing.

Item 2: Arizona or Bust
Jack and Emmett have agreed to travel to the Grand Canyon when they turn 16. (They are currently 8 years old.) In preparation, they have begun training. When Ann queried as to what sort of training is required, Jack replied, "Emmett did 40 roll-ups last night!!!!"

Ann: "What's a roll-up?"

Jack: "I don't know, but Emmett did 40 of them!"

1 comment:

Jon Hey said...

Nope, not those roll ups.