Sunday, September 17, 2006

Crazy Crap Item #103: The part where I finally document the Summer Block Party of '06

Yes, the block party was in July.

Yes, it's now September.

But it was an epic day, and it took me awhile to capture all the splendor. And you can read about it here.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Crazy Crap Item #102: The part where I'm nearly undone by macho posturings, overheard

A set-to outside my livingroom window. Sam, age 5, apparently in the midst of a run-in with Christophe, possibly age 8.

Quoth Christophe: "You want a piece of me, Sam? Bring it on."

This nearly kills me dead.

It's followed by a good deal of posturing in which various neighborhood citizens attempt to assert dominance by proxy.

Quoth Casey, age 5: "Oh, yeah? Well, I have a friend and his brother is TWELVE!"
