Thursday, May 01, 2008

Crazy Crap Item #184: The part where my subconscious appears incoherent

So, this morning, I pulled the bonehead moves of all bonehead moves. Upon arisal, I knocked back my every-morning pill (Synthroid), only to realize as it was sliding down my gullet that I'd actually knocked back an Ambien. As in "sleep now for 8 hours."

Since I've never been good at inducing vomiting (as is testified to by my curvaceous frame), I explained the situation to my parents, curled up in bed, and looked for some website to play me some entertaining tunes till I slipped back into dreamland, all the while cursing myself for screwing a perfectly good day.

Now, I've heard countless tales of people who respond to Ambien by performing various and sundry acts in their sleep. Sleepwalking. Sleepeating. I even had a friend who bashfully admitted to a bout of "sleepscrewing." I've never noticed any of these behaviors in myself.

So I snoozed, the delightful accompaniment of showtunes and occasional interviews on Playbill's all show-tune radio.

At noon, my mom awakened me to help find my dad's pills, and feeling vaguely spry, I decided it was time to get up, Ambien be damned. I ate donuts, sipped coffee, cruised the intertrons and generally entertained myself.

All was well, till Eamon texted me thusy:

(1:14:33 PM) eamondaly1110: so was that actually you this morning?
(1:14:38 PM) eamondaly1110: you were kinda freaking me out.

I inquired precisely what he meant. He responded with this record of an earlier exchange:

(10:46:18 AM) kaydaly88: IUUUU
(10:46:35 AM) kaydaly88: IUYYRF
(10:46:43 AM) eamondaly1110: do tell!
(10:46:51 AM) eamondaly1110: are you sleeptyping?
(10:48:20 AM) kaydaly88: HAVE ON PLAYBILL RADIO
(10:48:38 AM) kaydaly88: SHOWTUNS
(10:49:00 AM) kaydaly88: V, ANNOYED
(10:49:03 AM) eamondaly1110: WHY ARE YOU SHOUTING?
(10:49:37 AM) kaydaly88: FDYBBBU
(10:50:23 AM) kaydaly88: SO ANNOHING

Sure, some people act out their libidinous impulses when under the influence. Me, I sleeptype. Sexy.


Anonymous said...

that's HYSTERICAL! now we all know what is truly in kay's head! kristen

Anonymous said...


love, Suni

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

we are sitting on Alyssa's couch laughing and I started to cry it was so funny. So proud that we now have matching, interesting Ambien stories. :)

[shouting] Love, Lindsay!

Nora Daly said...

that's...hilarious! i frequently wake up to find myself sleeptalking with stephen on any number of bizarre subjects (most recently our pressing need for acquiring an "images database"...)