Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Crazy Crap Item #234: The part where Miles is not amused

As I have mentioned before, my young neighbor Miles is a budding expert on dinosaurs. Recently, he was also attempting to tell riddles. I have dwelt upon the capacity of the 5-and-under set to tell riddles before they truly grasp the concept of humor. As may be recalled, this attempt is not always successful or sensemaking. Miles, I discovered, was similarly ill-adept. I thought I'd help him along by inventing my own dinosaur-themed riddle.

Kay: "Hey, Miles. What happens when two dinosaurs run into each other?"

Miles: [Dull silence]

Kay: "It's a riddle. What happens when two dinosaurs run into each other?"

Miles: [Blank stare]

Kay: "Tyrannosaurus wrecks!"

Miles: [Palpable discomfort]

Kay: "Get it? Tyrannosaurus wrecks! Do you like that one? You think it's funny?"

[Long pause]

Miles: "No."

Wit is wasted on the young.

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