Monday, December 12, 2005

Crazy Crap Item #20: The part where I make a play date

We are entering the depths of winter, so I find myself cut off from all of civilization. The saddest part is that there are very few glimpses of the small fellows who gad about on my front lawn all summer long.

Apparently, some of my little fellows feel the lack as well. Eamon was out shoveling the walk the other day, and fell into conversation with our neighbor Ann. She recounted that when Jack, her 4-year-old, saw that it had started snowing, he shouted out, "It's snowing! Let's call Kay!"

Eamon advised her that it would've been a good idea.

So today, I get this lovely email invitation:

subject: On behalf of Jack
Hello Kay,
Jack would like you to come over and color or do play dough one of these days. He's free Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons around 3:30 or 4. Would either of these times work for you? Let us know.

So now I have a play date.

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