Monday, August 06, 2007

Crazy Crap Item #130: The part where there we glimpse the rarest of phenomena

August birthdays abound in our neck of the woods.

Exhibit 1: Megan
Exhibit 2: Sheila
Exhibit 3: Chris
Exhibit 4: Gareth
Exhibit 5: yours truly

We ladies decided to go out and celebrate. And since only the ladies were invited, Chris and Gareth didn't get to come.

Megan, Sheila, Rose, Ann, and I, however, were in full force. We took a rain-sodden stroll down to Viet Bistro, a local asian fusion hot-spot. We arrive, dump our soggy umbrellas in a bucket (including Ann's signature Spider-man parasol), and are shown to a seat.

What to our wondering eyes should appear but our seldom-seen new neighbor Rick, accompanied by his virtually unknown partner.

Megan, immediately recognizing Rick, cries out to him across to the room. "Hello! Neighbor!" He acknowledges our greeting, but make no further move. I check out his partner, all unbeknownst to Rick.

Later in the meal, I look up and notice our neighbors have fled, with nary a parting greeting.

What to make of them?

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