Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Crazy Crap Item #230: The part where Jack and James wax pious

Yesterday, Ann announced that Jack (age 7) and James (age 4) took it upon themselves to write a letter to God.

Apparently, Jack did all the actual writing (a skill he's been honing in first grade), while James added helpful suggestions. To wit:

- "Add some crosses there."

- "And stars. Jesus loves stars."

We inquired of Ann what the boys could possibly be writing to God. "A general proclamation of their love," it seems.

They were also concerned that if they stored it in a drawer overnight before mailing, God might show up and take their unfinished draft. This was, apparently, a great concern.

I suggested that Ann spirit the letter away in the night. Mimi added that she could leave a cross behind.

I suspect she did no such thing. So much for the true fun of parenting: messing with your kids.

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