Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Crazy Crap Item #241: The part where Jack joins the dance

It's been very busy of late, and I've not been able to frequent the benches and lounge with my neighbors, as is my wont.

Earlier this week, however, I was able to steal a few golden moments, and headed outside. Before I could even make it out to the benches, I encountered Jack and James, who were loitering on their front steps with a languorous air.

My inquiry into their doings returned the usual "Nuffing" from James, but Jack had things to tell.

"We're looking for Sam and Emmett, but we can't find them. They haven't come out. They're keeping something from us."

At that moment, I happened to glimpse Sam as he poked his head out of his front door, and informed Sam. Jack's cries, alas, were not heard, and Sam popped back inside.

At that, Jack shifted his focus. "Bridget and Claire and Simone are keeping secrets. They keep coming over her, and then I have to chase them."

"Well," I started in, hoping to be helpful, "You could just ignore them. Then they'd get bored with it and leave you alone."

Jack's face shifted.

"Sometimes I like it when I have to chase them."

"Adds a little drama to your life?"


And so it begins.

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