Monday, April 03, 2006

Crazy Crap Item #58: The part where Carol Burnett disses me

Ok, so I had a very strange dream last night. I dreamt that I had been in a performance of the musical, Once Upon a Mattress, a fairly dreary little show based on the fairy tale "The Princess and the Pea." I played the lead role, Winifred, a role originated by Carol Burnett on Broadway. Winifred, also known as 'Fred' is a rather ballsy, slapstick comedien with a big belt voice. I really don't fit the role, and have never wanted to play her.

Anyhoo, in my dream, my dear friend Michael Shattner informed me that he heard that Carol Burnett had seen my production, and had declared that my scene work was the worst she'd ever seen come out of Yale Theater School.

This distressed me throughout the dream and into my waking hours, until I finally realized that NONE OF IT MADE ANY SENSE.

Oh, how I loved waking up.

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