Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Crazy Crap Item #139: The part where I learn a new definition for BYOB

I've heard yet again from my Montana-based cousin, Mountain Man Tom. This time, he recounts an amusing anecdote vis-a-vis Chinese food in his particular hinterland. Enjoy:


Your father has touted restaurant dining in your neighborhood. I thought you might find some humor in Montana dining.

Once a week I meet my friends, Ace and Chris (of the broken rib) at the local brewery's tasting room. We quaff a couple then pick up dinner to go, normally Pizza. Yesterday Chris had a yen for Chinese. Chris is a funny eater and a person of strong opinions, such as preferring The Bamboo Garden to Chang's Family Restaurant, if you can imagine such a thing. The Bamboo Garden features bad service, mediocre (possibly cold) food, and often can not actually produce the meals offered on their menu. Anyone with sense goes to Chang's. Not Chris. She wanted beef and broccoli from The Garden, and called them from the brewery to order. They had no broccoli. This pushed her button. "What if I Pick up some fricken (she actually said "fricken", the first time an expletive was necessary) broccoli at Safeway and bring it to you, will you fix me my (non-fricken) meal.?" They said they would. So, she got greens and took them to The Garden. They gave her $2 off for bringing her own broccoli. She had to wait an hour and the food wasn't very good. Come visit and we can go to Chang's.

Mountain Man Tom

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