Monday, January 30, 2006

Crazy Crap Item #32: The part where I realize my penmanship needs work

Today, my husband has graciously agreed to do the grocery shopping, as I have had a very busy schedule of late. Plus, I agreed to make lasagna for dinner, so it all balances out.

I supplied a list of items we needed, which led to this conversation, later in the day:

eamondaly1110: the last item on the list looks like 'turkey purples'.
eamondaly1110: any idea what that is?
kaydaly88: hmmm. turey purples.
kaydaly88: that doesn't sound like something i'd ask for.
kaydaly88: turkey hotdogs?
eamondaly1110: maybe turky purples.
eamondaly1110: turkt purples.
kaydaly88: okay
kaydaly88: this is a guess
kaydaly88: and a sad reflection on my handwriting
kaydaly88: but
kaydaly88: maybe
kaydaly88: toilet paper?
eamondaly1110: yes!
kaydaly88: i was in a hurry.
eamondaly1110: that's what it is.
kaydaly88: but if they have turkey purples on sale
kaydaly88: i'd say stock up!

Eamon kindly provides this proof of my poor penmanship.

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