Friday, March 10, 2006

Crazy Crap Item #51: The part where I contemplate my latent violent streak

Back when I was in college, I did a lot of original musicals written by friends from a course I took through the music department, Musical Theatre Workshop. One of these friends always contrived to put me in vamp numbers where I was gyrating and singing about vaguely off-color topics, such as the state of my virginity. Once, when it was pointed out to him that he kept doing this, he responded that it was funny to put me in sexy roles, because it was so against type.

Um, thanks.

I'm put in mind of this little exchange as I contemplate the feature I'm trying to write -- about boxing and theater. I've been stumped as to how to open it, so I decided to refer to not one but two other articles I've written about stage combat for inspiration. Yes, two.

What conclusion am I to draw from this? Am I assigned these pieces because it's so funny to think of wee kay engaging in fisticuffs?

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