Monday, March 27, 2006

Crazy Crap Item #56: The part where I receive sage advice from my sister-in-law

Eamon's little sister Nora is living the dream. Fed up with her paper-pushing real-estate management job, she ditched it all to travel Europe with her boyfriend, Stephen. A laudable decision.

And, an entertaining one, as she has been sending regular missives home recounting her adventures -- along with occasional pithy pieces of advice. To whit:

i have to say that when i ran down my list of things to be worried about crossing the black sea via ferry to istanbul "stephen being headbutted by short insane drunken ukrainian in the disco bar" was decidedly NOT one of them. just goes to show that worrying or even trying to prepare yourself is useless while traveling 'cause really god knows what the heck will happen to you along the way and things will always turn out more surprising and bizarre than you could ever imagine!

Sage words, indeed.

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