Monday, May 08, 2006

Crazy Crap Item #73: The part where I come to terms with being a big musical theater dork

How do you know you are a musical theater dork? When one of your closest friends has this dream about you:

shatty: you were in my dream last night
kay: so what did i do in your dream?
shatty: well!
shatty: we were both VERY excited to listen to the newly released, remastered version of the original cast of MACK & MABEL
shatty:(i don't believe such a thing really exists)
kay: well, why wouldn't we be excited?
kay: i mean, come on
shatty:we shared headphones (the old school kind that go over your head, not the newfangled little ones on wires)
shatty: and listened to "Look What Happened to Mabel"
shatty: and we were disappointed
shatty: we shared a look (no words)

If you don't understand why this conversation makes me a musical theater dork, then you are clearly not one.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I recently discovered (and delivered as a birthday gift) a list of the Best of the Best of Les Miz, compiled by myself and my friend Amy when we were 14. We had about 27 greatest moments, and we scored points to the characters involved.

Yours in MTD.