Saturday, January 31, 2009

Crazy Crap Item #215: The part where I am delighted by my homecoming surprise

OK, so I just returned from Banning, blah blah blah. Aside from being seated next to the WORLD'S ANGRIEST TODDLER for 3 hours of my trip, the trip was fairly uneventful.

Just prior to my return, Eamon posted a most enticing Facebook status update:
Eamon hopes Kay likes her surprise!

Well, I'm always someone who likes to come home, but this little missive really sealed the deal. But before I reveal said surprise, I must back up a bit.

I, dear friends, can charitably be called a "picky sleeper." I started developing insomnia in college, and committed myself fully to this endeavor by graduate school. My good friend, Mr. Czjaka, was always amused by my capacity to awake for no good reason at all, and stay awake for hours. "Are you like Jane Eyre," he'd ask. "Were you awakened by a shaft of moonlight breaking through your curtained window?"

This eventually led to a phenemenon I like to call "migratory sleeping." Fed up with my inability to sleep in one location, I'd move to another--a couch, the floor, whatever came to hand as a reasonable sleep surface.

My restlessness has also led to a phenomenon my brother has recently dubbed "pillow madness." It started as an attempt to pin myself down. I found that after tossing and turning for several hours, putting my pillow on top of my head would secure me in place and, sometimes, anyway, allow me to drift off.

Later, I discovered that a pillow laid along one side of me only helped matters. And then one on the other side.

It was only when I met Eamon that I was introduced to the greatest invention mankind has yet to create: the body pillow. For the unenlightened, this is an ENORMOUSLY long pillow that runs the full length of the body.

So, for those of you keeping up, at this point in our story, I am sleeping with:
-a pillow under my head
-a pillow over my head
-a body pillow on one side
-a pillow on the other side

As if this weren't insane enough, then came the physical woes. Chronic shoulder pain. Chronic hip pain. On opposite sides of the body. This means, of course, that I cannot sleep comfortably on either my left or my right side. (Later, I developed a carpal tunnel-esque condition that seemed to kick in when I lay on my back ... cruel irony ... but I've managed to get that under control).

So, anyway, to properly bolster all my body parts, I found I needed:
- aforementioned pillows over and under head
- body pillow with additional pillow on it when lying on side opposite my sore shoulder (so as to prop it up)
- two pillows laid end to end on the other side, so as to bolster my sore hip when lying on that opposite side

I call it the Kay Daly Sleep System (tm). Patent pending.

Clearly, I'm now taking up enough bed space for three stout souls. Eamon and I can no longer fit in our queen-size bed. Add in my migratory sleep patterns, and I'm soon permabulating from one guest bedroom to the other. In the wake of my recent nervous breakdown, I finally settled into our haunted guestroom. It's dark and soothing, quiet as a tomb, and has a mattress I quite like.

But I miss, you know, my actual bedroom, and the guy I share it with, so this makes me a bit sad.

Which brings us to my SURPRISE.

Upon arriving home from Banning, I'm escorted to the bedroom where Eamon has contrived THE BIGGEST BED THE WORLD HAS EVER KNOWN. It's bigger than a King-size bed. It's bigger than a California King.

He has moved out our previous bed, a queen-size Comfort-aire, which had always made me feel like I was sleeping in a hammock, no matter how much I filled my side with air. It now lives in the haunted guestroom.

He has moved the double bed that I like from the haunted guestroom into our bedroom.

He has moved an old twin bed from our basement up two flights of stairs to our bedroom.

He has cunningly pushed these two beds together to form one TITANIC SUPER-BED.

He has purchased new, high-quality sheets for each of the components of this new bed (unlike the nasty, low-thread-count affairs I usually cheap-out with).

He has purchased coverlets and decorative pillows to match the brown pillowcase I had chosen for my body pillow.

And thus it is, we now own the largest bed in the western hemisphere, and I am the happiest of girls.

P.S. I'm also a sheet stealer. But we found a solution for that as well.


Anonymous said...

i have long been accused as a fellow sheet stealer? how on earth did you solve that?

Anonymous said...

It's maddeningly simple. Instead of having one large sheet that fits the entire bed, we use 2 smaller sheets, one for each. So if you're in a queen, use two twin sheets instead. You can still roll yourself up in your sheet without distressing his one bit!