Ok, I had not intended to pursue the stalker issue any further, but I had a wee brainstorm which has borne fruit, if you can stand the mixed metaphor. The story is complicated, but bear with me.
The month was March, the year 2005. I sit down at the computer for a cheerless day of toils, when what to my wondering eyes should appear but a full-on rant, directed at yours truly, in my email inbox. To whit:
No wonder you're a republican with the slimebag Rush Limbaugh as a hero. They took away your pet when you were a kid! That would drive anyone to grow up warped enough to be a lackey for the sociopath, pathological liar, mass murderer and thief George Bush. You really ought to read American Dynasty, honey. You NEED educating. As for Rush Limbaugh, good god, where is your common sense? He's pure actor and couldn't make the grade at that (did you know he failed at that attempt?) so he chose the idiots he could fool best, the right wing, and he acts on the radio all the time.
Dear friends, anyone who knows me knows this email is misguided. I am not a Republican, but the ooziest of the Democrats. I have no truck with Rush Limbaugh. I suspect misdirection, especially as suggested by the subject of the email: "You in The Washington Post"
Canny web-researcher that I am, I google +Kay +Daly +"Washington Post." Lo and behold, I find my alterego. From her tacky bleach job to her odious opinions, she is my polar opposite. I laugh, and suggest to my attacker that he needs to up his research efforts just a smidge before going on the offensive (didn't he notice, when he found my professional website, that I write sympathetically about trans-gendered documentarians, tarot card readers and cross-dressing cover bands? Nimrod.) .
Well, I filed that kernel away, secretly miffed that my newly adopted married name should carry such a stain -- the shadow of Anne Coulter on my very grave!
Flash forward to November, when I am stalked by this current crazy woman. Throughout, I'm bothered by the fact that she refers to an article I've written where I allude to a family member of hers. The name rings no bells. Finally, this afternoon, I turn again to my good friend google: +[the family member's name] +Daly.
EUREKA!! Up pop several matches, all pointing to articles by my righty doppelganger. Clearly, the nutjob doesn't fall far from the tree.
So my next dilemma: Do I sic my stalker on the other Kay Daly? Opinions?
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