Monday, November 14, 2005

Crazy Crap Item #7: The part where I shop for an anniversary gift and instead end up bemoaning the fate of mankind

Eamon and my anniversary is a mere 2 days away, and I have yet to consider the matter of gifts. I tried to wriggle out with, "We're not getting gifts for our anniversary, are we?," but got the reply, "Well, I already bought yours..."

After some research, I've found that the 3rd anniversary is leather, or if you want to be "modern," glass. So far, so good.

Next, I got to the Sharper Image website, assuming they'll at least provide some inspiration. Sadly, my findings were a good deal more dispiriting. I find this fine item.

Sez Nicole: there is no doubt in my mind that this is an inspired idea

Sez Kristen: Watch the video!

Sez Eamon: there's supposed to be a robot monkey head out next year that will have voice recognition and such.

That's what the world needs: a robot monkey head that recognizes one's voice.

I do, however, tip my hat to the copywriter who came up with the title for the page: Alive Chimpanzee So Real, It's Unreal!

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