Thursday, February 09, 2006

Crazy Crap Item #34: The part where I weep for the next generation

Recently, Eamon and I attended a birthday party for a one-year-old. She is the second daughter of Eamon's cousin. Since we had missed her big sister's birthday party in November (she turned 4), we figured we ought to bring a gift for her as well.

So off we go to Toys R Us, for a bit of shopping. As we browse, I come across some dress-up costumes for kids. I recall that the last time I saw the four-year-old, she was obsessed with dressing up her Barbies, and dressing me in her doll clothes. I wore many a baby bonnet that day. So I'm thinking, hey, costume, good idea. And I take a closer look.

Well, my young ones, here's how it breaks down, according to the toy manufacturer. Score one for enforced gender roles!

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