Friday, February 17, 2006

Crazy Crap Item #38: The part where I wax pithy

In my capacity as theater critic, I'm subjected to some good productions, and many, many very bad productions. Last night, sadly, I was witness to the latter. In case it ever comes up in daily conversations, please know: It is not a good idea to stage an obscure 16th-century play in a fieldhouse of a public park. It's doubly a not-good idea to people the cast with thespians who, apparently, have never undertaken a classical role before. Or maybe never acted before. It's hard to tell.

Anyhoo, during this ordeal, I noted something that caused some friends to say I should enshrine my wisdom on this point for all time. Here goes:

The number of times cast members ooze about "this amazingly talented group of people" in their program bios is inversely proportionate to the actual amount of talent on stage.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

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